Al Michaels Openly Discussing The Spread During The Chiefs/Broncos Game Is How Every Single Announcer Should Talk

Alright, Al Michaels talking about the spread like this is great. But here's my whole thing, why the hell don't we get this with every broadcast? Why do broadcasters act like gambling is some taboo thing? Look around anywhere and everywhere in sports and you have gambling companies associated with them. Pregame shows talk about the spread and openly show it. Why can't we have more people like Al Michaels just talk about how the line was 10.5 when the Chiefs were going for the field goal to go up 11? Al Michaels knew it. You knew it. I knew it. Everyone knew the line. 

This should be done across all sports too. Let us know if a 'pointless' field goal or free throw or whatever isn't so pointless. Al delivers it perfectly too. I remember how Nate would talk about golf needs to show money for the players and where they stand in tournaments. We should see if a putt costs them hundreds of thousands of dollars or not. That's what they are quite literally playing for. Move that over to football and just have Jim Nantz tell us that a field goal to go up 4 actually is important because the line was 3.5. 

Plus, if anyone, Al should be the one embracing this. He bashed last year's Thursday Night Football games for being awful. Well, what if spreads or total came into play a bunch of times? He'd be giddy in the booth talking about it. You can hear him laughing and knowing what was going on with the field goal. That's a man who knows part of the reason so many people watch every single football game. 

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